Ben_is_sharingBeing a member of a success networkA friend introduced me to the global information network by sending me audio material titled: “Your wish is your command”, a recording from…Dec 15, 2019Dec 15, 2019
Ben_is_sharingLearnings from 9days of Astral projection workshopTaking a quick decisionNov 24, 2019Nov 24, 2019
Ben_is_sharingI have been doing things crazy, time for wisdom with balanceTo succeed it helps to have a magnificent obsession, a strong determination to focus, do all what is needed to get where and what we want…Nov 17, 2019Nov 17, 2019
Ben_is_sharingI almost died 3years ago, this transformed my lifeI had an internal hemorrhage, spent 7days at the hospital and discovered that my blood platelet level is above normal. The science can’t…Nov 10, 2019Nov 10, 2019
Ben_is_sharingI did Ayahuasca. Here’s How it Made Me a Better PersonTaking a decisionOct 27, 2019Oct 27, 2019
Ben_is_sharing91days of sexual abstinenceThis challenge started with my coach was heavy to accept but life-changing. The decision was clear; I didn’t question it and made it…Oct 14, 2019Oct 14, 2019