The training balance scale
There are two sides balancing this concept, the first process is 99.9% and will give you anything that you want.
-The why (attitude) thoughts, thinking, desires, mental processes, objectives, goals, dreams, vibration, intention, energy, emotions, how you feel, motivation, enthusiasm, chief aim.
-The how (action) physical movements, what you do, techniques, strategies, action steps, plans, and activities.
Keep faith and forget how
People who fail focus on how it can happen when they don’t have the skill, knowledge, techniques.
What’s on your radar screen represents 1% of the possibilities, the other 99% are off.
Thinking about how can almost guarantee failure, how doesn’t matter because when you use your thoughts in the law of attraction it becomes irrelevant.
Worrying is a negative goal setting and thinking about what you don’t want to happen. Stop focusing on the lack of it, reduce doubts and increase belief that you’ll get it with a burning desire.
It’s how you look at the situation.
When your thinking is wrong, the actions you do to make your dreams come true won’t create positive results.
When your attitude is right, any activity will be pleasurable and will create spectacular results with little effort.
When your attitude is right, the facts don’t count. What you think are facts, are people’s opinions.
Anything you can dream, imagine, desire you can have provided you believe it with no doubt.
Napoleon Hill said: “Whatever the mind of man can conceive and bring itself to believe, it can achieve,” and Earl Nightingale affirmed: “You become what you think about most of the time,”.
Use your brain to put out a vibration, and then by the law of attraction, the universe will give you circumstances, situations, events, and people to create that and bring into your life what you’re vibrating.
Similar feelings are matching together. Make it work out to your advantage. Feel good now!
Work on the why and the how
If you focus only on motivation, you are motivated but don’t know what to do.
When you only learn technique and skill you don’t do or apply because of no motivation.
Do you enjoy taking these actions, or are you just doing it because someone told you it’s the best way to get the results you want?
If your mind is focused on how much you hate the activity, is that going to build belief in what you’re doing?
Have you found a passion for your industry, the company and its products/services?
Your mindset will be manifested through verbal, facial, written communication, or whatever you come across, law of attraction works!
Anyone can teach how, but it is like a house built on sand if it doesn’t have a strong foundation in why. What’s the purpose? If it’s protecting you and your family and be strong and stable, you wouldn’t think of building it on sand or water.
Accept that you don’t know how yet, go beyond the unknown and the fear of starting something new. People get stuck in the how because they repeat “I don’t know how”, that’s where they stay, they don’t start and get stuck there.
“I know it’s possible and I will get there. I’m just going to keep trying, doing until I get there.” Even if there are fears, the motivation, the drive, and the dream are more important.
Depth of vision
If you were to look at an acorn, you could you see a forest or housing or anything wood makes.
During the war, shipping and the need for it had been reduced so dramatically that you couldn’t sell ships and you almost had to pay someone to buy a ship. However, Aristotle Onassis saw the future and how after the war would cease, the need for shipping would continue to thrive at levels similar to before the war. After buying every ship he could during the war, within 3 years from his plan he was the richest man in the world. He saw the potential that shipping had when everyone else believed it to be a fact that shipping was down.
Roger Bannister was the first person breaking the 4 minute mile in 1954 at 25year olds. Until 1954, many spectators thought it was impossible to break 4 minutes in the mile run. Even though he didn’t do the vigorous training as compared to today’s runners, he knew and felt that it was possible to do it.
He had a deep vision of breaking this record despite what anyone else said. After his record, thousands of others have done it since then because of their belief level. He loved what he did, and he practiced and competed which helped to build his belief.
Donald Trump’s key elements to becoming successful: “love what you do and be born with it!”