What do you want?

2 min readJan 19, 2020

Answering to this question is a great habit and a reminder to stay focused on what’s important.
When thinking about something tangible that you want or say: “I want to be happy, have fun”; ultimately we are looking for a specific feeling, which we can vibrate right now.
It’s common to say during a crisis, “Someday we’ll look back at this and laugh.” Laugh now. Why wait?
It’s a decision away and we sometimes forget how simple it is, we think we can’t now or we have to do something or to be somewhere.

Our environment influences our wants, the fastest way to have an answer is to explore the world (ideally, travel internationally) with curiosity and an open mind.
Experimenting, trial, and error, give us a chance to invest deep and letting the window open for opportunities.
It allows us to acknowledge what we don’t like, this can help to focus on our ideal wants.
We get into the sweet spot: the dream is big enough to excite you and small enough that you believe you will get it.
We may at first don’t like some things, then our opinion evolves, values changes as growing up, getting wiser.

We have conditioned our mind to react to cravings and we can retake control the way we respond.
We gained habits and talents from previous, hobbies, passions.
We have genetics dispositions, certain genetic DNA vibration that creates success, we have the power to change them with our mind.
The mind wants to survive and will create needs so the body can adapt and meet this primal need.
This explains why some population is more resistant to cold/warm, eat more spicy or certain types of food.
A good daily test is simple as the cold shower and the fear generated before with anticipation of an uncomfortable sensation, after the body is capable of warming itself.
Eating is also a good test to trigger our emotions, the food habits gained for satisfying wants are often for consumption addictions.

To succeed, neither money, tools, equipment, machines, technology are “required”. A man with a commitment will always win.
In any situation, we choose to feel good and commit to turning back to what we do not want. A healthier vision is to focus on feeling better.
The mindset that will make our life easier and keep a positive vibration is to care, but not that much and instead of having needs, have mild preferences.
As we take responsibility for how we feel about our feelings, we learn then than nothing is as bad or as good as it seems.
Our emotional guidance system is here to assist us to define our preferences.

If you’re having fun doing what you’re doing, continue doing it. If it’s no longer fun, consider a change.
Successful people don’t work, sacrifice or struggle activity is always pleasurable. You may put in lots of hours, but it is not “work.” It’s the most enjoyable thing you can imagine.

